Illuminate - Confidence for Change

Illuminate is a registered charity providing subsidised coaching and personal development to individuals and groups.
“Thank you for being so understanding, you have given me some great skills to take away and use. It has been an amazing experience.” (Lou Blencowe 2014)
"Illuminate helps people to help themselves"
Since 2009 they have received ten grants from CCF and have just been offered the first grant from CCF's new Restart fund.
In 2009/2010, two grants were awarded from Grassroots Small Grants Cambridgeshire:
- to provide training for disadvantaged women
- to fund two group events, showcasing the success stories of a few individuals in a short film
A further grant was awarded in 2010/2011, to cover the costs of taking a stall at a Christmas Wellbeing event in November 2010 to raise the profile of Illuminate.
The Microsoft Research Limited Fund have supported Illuminate through two grants:
- In 2010, a grant of £600 was awarded to fund eight 1-2-1 coaching sessions for disadvantaged women.
- In 2011, a grant of £865 was awarded to provide four individuals with two personal development and life coaching sessions to bring about a fundamental kick start for change.
Cambridgeshire County Council awarded a grant of £1,00 to provide lifecoaching and personal development sessions for women who had had significant knock backs in life.
In 2012, two grants were awarded from the Cambridge City South Cambs Reward Grant Fund:
- to offer life coaching to increase confidence and self esteem for 10 individuals
- for four group sessions to take people through a structured programme of self development
In March 2014, Illuminate were awarded a grant from the Ridgeons Community Fund towards provision of 1-2-1 sessions to provide confidence and personal development skills to help people become work ready.
Illuminate are the first group to have been offered a grant from CCF's new Restart Fund - the target of the programme is to raise £50,000 of funding over the next 12 months towards projects in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough working to improve mental health. Illuminate's grant will contribute towards a 5 day personal development programme for 10 unemployed people with mental health issues.
Illuminate's grant has been offered from funding from Ridgeons Community Fund, Cheffins Grassroots Endowed Fund and Microsoft Research Limited Fund under the Restart Fund programme.