Larkfleet Homes Community Fund
The Larkfleet Homes Community Fund supports charitable projects that enhance or develop a thriving community for the benefit of the residents of a Larkfleet Homes development, and other local residents.
For every market value home it builds, Larkfleet contributes to a community fund for each of its new developments. The fund is designed to support local charities and organisations near the new development – helping communities as well as building homes.
Recent Awards
Grants have been made from the Fund as follows:
Eye Brownies have been awarded a grant of £320 to buy a banner, flag and pole.
Eye Guides and Senior Section have been awarded a grant of £420 to buy a banner and flags for guides and new senior section.
Car Dyke Rainbows have been awarded a grant of £220 towards an official rainbow Flag and rainbow banner
Eye Primary School received a Larkfleet Community Fund grant towards the refurbishment of the school swimming pool, thus allowing it to be used by local community groups
George Matthews Friendship Club received a grant to help them put on new activities for their members. The Club is for the over 55's of the village of Eye with members from 60 yrs to 89 yrs. The members meet every week and the club arranges outings and entertainment.
Eye Community Runners, who primary objective is to "get people out and undertaking physical exercise", received a grant to buy a bad weather shelter and training equipment for junior members. The club caters for all ages above 8 years old and for all abilities.