VIVA Arts and Community Group "Rewarding, enjoyable and exciting!"

Providing opportunities to the local community in the performing arts
VIVA are dedicated to community development and education of people of all ages and backgrounds through the arts and associated community projects.
"I love being involved with Viva because I love the family-orientated community feel that comes with it and with Viva, you can perform shows that you would never get the chance to do anywhere else, like Phantom! I'd describe Viva in three words by saying it's accomplished, welcoming and overall, fun!" - Naomi Porter, aged 17 (Member)
"Viva is such an incredible group to be a part of. Each year we are joined by new comers and are welcomed immediately into the viva family. Viva gives young people opportunities like no other theatre group I have ever come across, for example, our amazing trip to NYC! To describe Viva in three words, I would say it's rewarding, enjoyable and exciting!" - Ellie Bovingdon, aged 17 (Member)
Since 2009 VIVA have been awarded four grants through CCF.
In 2009 a grant was awarded from the East Cambs Community Development Fund towards making The Viva Centre, Soham’s high street community facility, more accessible and sustainable. The grant was used to improve the disabled access and build two small office spaces within the building.
In 2010, VIVA received a grant from the East Cambs Community Fund to run a day of arts and performance activities aimed at 7-11 year olds from the migrant worker communities of East Cambs. The day of activities was promoted using own-language posters to the Portuguese and Eastern European migrant workers community and young people registered to take part to sample drama, music, movement and art activities free of charge, thanks to the grant funding awarded.
In 2011, a grant was awarded from the AmeyCespa Community Fund (now the Amey Community Fund) for installation of a lift to make first floor community room accessible.
VIVA received a grant from the High Sheriff's Award Scheme 13/14 to provide a programme of activity using the arts and arts activities to engage young people within East Cambs.
Case Study:
One of our youth members who was struggling at school with his confidence, which was affecting his studies, was involved in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ which was supported by the High Sheriff Award.
This project has given him the chance to do something different outside of school with a new group of people across a certain age range. This has seen him grow in confidence and self-belief which is now helping him in day to day life to improve in his studies at school as well as giving him the confidence to approach people and make a closer group of friends.