Weedon Community Fund

The Weedon Community Fund supports charitable projects working in the area 10 miles around St Neots.  The Fund will focus support work with one or more of the  beneficiary groups listed below

1. Carers
2. Local residents
3. Older people
4. People in care or suffering serious illness
5. People living in poverty
6. People with learning difficulties
7. People with low skill levels
8. People with mental health issues
9. People with physical difficulties
10. Victims of crime/violence/abuse
through projects under one of the following themes
1. Arts, culture and heritage
2. Caring responsibilities
3. Disability and access issues
4. Environment and improving surroundings
5. Health, wellbeing and serious illness 
6. Rural issues
7. Sport and recreation
8. Supporting family life
9. Violence and Exploitation
Grants will be offered normally in the range of £250-1,000