WinterComfort - Facilitating positive change

Wintercomfort supports men and women who are homeless or vulnerably housed by offering them vital welfare service and opportunities for learning and development.
"Wintercomfort remains true to its founding ambition to offer support to those most in need. Our Welfare Service remains central to our work as it is only when our most basic needs are met that we can move forward and fulfill our purpose and ambitions in life."
(Sarah Halls, Director of Wintercomfort)
Wintercomfort have received 15 grants through CCF.
Since 2012 four grants have been awarded from the Warm Homes Healthy People Cambridgeshire Fund.
These grants have supported the welfare provision provided by Wintercomfort every weekday from 8.30-10am and enabled extended service over the winter months.
Additional support for the welfare services was provided from the Barclays Community Fund.
Grants have also been awarded from the Ridgeons Community Fund towards the cost of providing toiletries and the D and J Lloyd Community First Fund and Hubert Julian Grassroots Endowed Fund towards washing and laundry facilities.
Food4food is a social enterprise, operated by WinterComfort for the Homeless.
Two grants have been awarded from the Microsoft Research Limited Fund towards recruitment of a part-time Cafe Support Worker to provide on the job training to service users and a contribution towards the salary for the Salary of the Cafe Assistant. A Cambridge City and South Cambs Reward Grant was also awarded in 2012 to extend the hours of the part-time Cafe Support Worker from 15 hours per week to 30.