You Can Bike Too - freedom, pedals, fun!

You Can Bike Too has bikes for people of all ages and abilities, and is based at Milton Country Park, just off Junction 33 of the A14. It's a great way to build confidence, feel the wind in your hair and meet other people!
You Can Bike Too is a partnership between The You Can Hub and Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust - it shows what can be achieved when two motivated organisations come together and make it happen.
You Can Bike Too was one of three local groups to present at the launch of the Cambridge Giving Network on 1st July 2014.
"It's fun!" - Fraser, 17 years old
"Fraser feels excited and proud! The bikes give a great reason to meet others and have fun together! He rode like the wind and actually pedalled on his own today. He's usually in a wheelchair so to be able to get out of that chair and pedal on his own is amazing!" - Fraser's mum
Fraser has CFC Syndrome, which causes global development delay. He is in a wheelchair much of the time and he can talk but not very much. It's amazing to see him completely in charge of something - I could tell by his face that he was absolutely thrilled. His mum was amazed by what's possible too. It makes me feel very, very excited about people's potential - the potential that is often hidden. Our bikes are a tool to release that potential, and the smiles on people's faces - people of all ages and abilities - are what make this project so fun for me and all of our volunteers. Who knows where Fraser will pedal to next.
Since 2012, YouCanBikeToo has received the following grants through CCF.
In Summer 2012, they were awarded a grant from the John Stewart Memorial Fund towards a trike for children and young people with disabilities to be able to cycle with support from parent/carer.
Jaime 24, a young woman with learning difficulties, Considered non-verbal (about 8 words) and has epilepsy. She is not easily engaged in physical activities. Jaime was reluctant to even put a helmet on but did eventually with encouragement. Initially she sat on a bike with her carer - a bike that supports 2 people to ride side by side, she made little effort to peddle but appeared happy that first session.
Jaime has now started attending on a regularly basis - her carer reporting that "it is the social side that Jaime seems to like". She has been practicing her pedaling skills and not yet proficient she is well on the way. She has tried other bikes out on her own - her confidence is increasing! A bike called the 'Tom Cat Trike' which offers support for her feet on the pedals which seems to be enabling her to get more proficient at cycling. Her goal is to learn to peddle a bike eventually independently and steer at the same time. Jaime is non-verbal, whilst on a bike however she said "peddle" whilst attempting this for herself!
A donation was given in 2012 from the Sir Arthur Marshall Grassroots Endowment Fund.
In early 2014, a grant was awarded from the Mills & Reeve Cambridge Community Fund towards running cost of Try It Out Tuesdays from You Can Bike Too. Try It Out Tuesdays from You Can Bike Too give adults an opportunity to cycle, an opportunity that they otherwise would not have had. An opportunity to take part in an activity that many people take for granted. These cyclists may have cycled many years ago or have never cycled before, because of ill-health, poor mobility, or disability.
See the CCF Spotlight on our Facebook page for more photographs from You Can Bike Too.